Saturday, July 7, 2012

The 66 Steps

Who the $&@! invented stairs? Whatever was he/she thinking?

Certainly not about the poor person who had to take a scrub brush and hand scrub the algae off each and every one of the 66 stairs (plus landings)! Certainly not about the poor person who sent her husband to the paint store with specific instructions about the color of porch paint, only to have him return with something totally different. Certainly not about the poor person who then had to go to the paint store herself and ask the nice man to make the color a different color, and then inwardly groan as the paint became somewhat better, but also somewhat odd. And certainly not about the poor person who then said, after 2 days of bending over and painting, "So why do I care about the color? I'll just have to do it all over again in a couple years anyway."

So, a curse on you, Stair Inventor!

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