Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Perfect Hiking Companion

Rosa loves hiking. As a desert dog,Rosa Maria Serafina Guadalupe has seldom had any freedom. So, when we let her off the leash on a trail she first runs about 30 yards ahead as fast as she can (she's like a white bullet), then turns around and races back to us. Her joy at freedom brings us so much delight. After her first burst of energy, she runs ahead, though never quite out of sight. When one of us lags for some reason, she runs back to check on the lagger. When there are switchbacks or turns, she will go back to the turn to make sure we are with her. Once in a while, she will leap off into the woods, jumping over brush and logs, sniffing at things, but always come when we call her. She will never go over a bridge, but takes the long route through the stream, scrabbling from rock to rock. She is the perfect hiking companion. And when the hike is over, she curls up tight and dreams
of all her adventures.