Monday, January 2, 2012

Retro-vation - Blue

Husbands are not accountable, in my experience.  Max took off all the window frames during the demolition phase.  They hung around garage for a while, getting in the way until we found a handy hook to hang them on. By chance, they were apparently near a can of Wildflower Blue spray paint.  Next thing you know, the elves (or maybe Max) had spray painted them all blue. It was a shock, but not the first I'd ever had in a renovation project, and the color is absolutely perfect.  (Thank goodness the elves didn't go with the Nutmeg Brown paint or the purple or the stove black!)  Next time I went into the garage, there was the range hood painted in blue also.  As usual, this was presented to me after the fact.  "Doesn't that look great?"  "Yes, dear."
   Fortunately, I like blue.  So much so that when Max decided to reverse the refrigerator door (the open side is the bed side - for midnight snacking I guess), we removed the panels and painted the reverse side with the same Wildflower Blue, so we could have a matching fridge.  BTW, don't bother to take yours apart - the door doesn't reverse.
The final touch was a blue Bali blind for the kitchen window.  Curtains get splashed from the sink, so we wanted something washable.  Although people don't like the gap because of the wall curve, we ordered it a little wide (about an inch extra on either side) and ordered the bottom fasteners so it is pinned to the wall.  Since the curtain/blind/shade issue is so thorny to so many Airstreamers, I will update on whether this works or not.  They are not inexpensive - this tiny one was about $75 - but they certainly have the Wow Factor with the color.