Thursday, June 21, 2012

Content - From Gold to Green

After an anniversary breakfast in Dumas, TX, (the 32nd anniversary is ham and eggs), we headed into OK, then (in the blink of an eye) into Kansas.

Somewhere in Kansas the scenery changed from gold to green, and now we have trees. We are in a lovely Kansas State Park in El Dorado (which despite its name is very green). It borders a reservoir, so a fish cleaning station for each campsite is standard - see Rosa below. We had the beginnings of a wasp's nest in
the electric box here but the nice campground host came over with a can of wasp spray! Pizzzzzt! - problem solved!

We are now over 1,000 miles out with less than 1,500 to go. Alex called this morning to see if we were arriving before or after lunch. He was quite surprised to learn we were still in Texas. Apparently we'd been a little bit optimistic in our ETA.

Rosa immediately spotted a groundhog - see photo.

Dinner tonight courtesy Trader Joe's.

Before dinner we walked up a huge embankment and were rewarded with a view of the huge reservoir with sailboats and powerboats and the aroma of fresh water.

Rosa running down the embankment to Max
No one was around so Rosa had some FREEDOM!
The fish cleaning table
Food looms large when you're on the road 
Rosa makes friends everywhere