Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lost Pond

Not quite sure how you lose a pond, but we found it just fine. Nice hike near Ticonderoga. About 3 miles total, nice and flat, with gigantic boulders around the pond and in the woods. Saw some interesting new vegetation and learned what "a seepy place" is - see photo below. Rosa had a lot of fun.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Perfect Hiking Companion

Rosa loves hiking. As a desert dog,Rosa Maria Serafina Guadalupe has seldom had any freedom. So, when we let her off the leash on a trail she first runs about 30 yards ahead as fast as she can (she's like a white bullet), then turns around and races back to us. Her joy at freedom brings us so much delight. After her first burst of energy, she runs ahead, though never quite out of sight. When one of us lags for some reason, she runs back to check on the lagger. When there are switchbacks or turns, she will go back to the turn to make sure we are with her. Once in a while, she will leap off into the woods, jumping over brush and logs, sniffing at things, but always come when we call her. She will never go over a bridge, but takes the long route through the stream, scrabbling from rock to rock. She is the perfect hiking companion. And when the hike is over, she curls up tight and dreams
of all her adventures.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


We are in the gorgeous Adirondacks where hiking trails are everywhere and the forests are lush and green. After outfitting ourselves with some new hiking boots at the mountaineer - our Tucson hiking had left our boots in tatters - we set out on a 2.2 mile trek to test out the new footwear. The helpful guy at The Mountaineer in Keene Valley recommended Baxter Mountain. You can only take dogs - and there is no leaving Rosa behind - at elevations under 4000 feet (or at least that's my excuse). Nice hike with views of Mt. Marcy (the highest of the 46 High Peaks) and Giant Mountain.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

Power Outage

Cribbage by lantern-light.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

She Said

She said, "I hope she doesn't have fleas!"

Monday, July 9, 2012

Nice Fire

Beautiful clear day - and the evening is cool enough for a fire on the beach.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The 66 Steps

Who the $&@! invented stairs? Whatever was he/she thinking?

Certainly not about the poor person who had to take a scrub brush and hand scrub the algae off each and every one of the 66 stairs (plus landings)! Certainly not about the poor person who sent her husband to the paint store with specific instructions about the color of porch paint, only to have him return with something totally different. Certainly not about the poor person who then had to go to the paint store herself and ask the nice man to make the color a different color, and then inwardly groan as the paint became somewhat better, but also somewhat odd. And certainly not about the poor person who then said, after 2 days of bending over and painting, "So why do I care about the color? I'll just have to do it all over again in a couple years anyway."

So, a curse on you, Stair Inventor!

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Old Boat

Our neighbor's power boat recently died - while he was on the lake. His poor wife - on shore - could not even maintain a connection with 911 long enough to get help. He could have jumped out and swum to shore, but didn't want the boat to break up on the rocks which would result in the gas spilling into the lake. After waving his arms for hours, he was finally able to get someone to call for help and was towed in.

He was telling Max about this adventure and how he now fishes from his kayak. When Max asked about what he was going to do with his boat, he said he'd asked someone who said the only thing you could do was chop them up and put them in the landfill.

A light must have gone on in Max's brain because the next thing you know he is down on the beach with a chain saw. As luck would have it, he has a sharp saw and a boat that has no bottom. Ouila!

(Don't panic, Alex. He's going to borrow Uncle Tim's Sawzall to finish the job.)


Cannot get over the delight of having a washing machine at camp.

How We Met the Neighbors

We were awakened at 1:30 in the morning the other night by this horrible clattering sound on our beach. It was our first night in the cabin, and a thunderstorm had passed leaving a gorgeous moonrise over the lake. In addition to the racket, we could hear a man talking and a woman occasionally saying something, and see this red light bobbing around. Our first thought was that it was someone talking on a cell phone trying to get some reception. (They would have come to the wrong place.)

Max crept down the stairs to investigate while I watched safely from the porch. There he saw a young woman dressed in a skimpy white dress and rubber boots dragging a shovel. The man had a video camera and was giving her instructions. "Turn around a go toward the water. Remember your mark?"

The woman then said, "I'm stepping over some kind of pipe." So, Max piped up (groan) from out of the dark, "That's our water pipe." He'd just installed it and was pretty proud. The poor woman screamed - a real horror movie kind of scream. Maybe she was really an actress.

After apologies all around, Max met Don and his girlfriend Alice, who said they were our neighbors and were shooting a music video.

Can't imagine what the song is about.